Next Wave Films has been closed by the Independent Film Channel. IFC will continue to shepherd the films that received support from Next Wave.
Please contact Holly Becker at IFC for anything related to these films or other Next Wave matters. She can be reached at: nextwave@rainbow-media.com or IFC Productions, 11 Penn Plaza, 15th Fl., NY, NY 10001.
Next Wave Films
2510 7th Street, Suite E
Santa Monica, CA 90405
PeterBroderick, President
Mark Stolaroff, Director, Post-Production & Finance
Gayatri Persad, Director of Film Evaluation
Sylvia Terry, Director of Film Outreach
Tara Veneruso, Webmaster
- if you have tips or tricks that you'd like to share, fill out our feedback form.
- sign up to receive Bulletins From The Front, updates on Next Wave Films, and the latest on Digital Video production.
Next Wave Films is a company of IFC, The Independent Film Channel which is a network of Rainbow Media Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary of Cablevision Systems, Inc.
Visit The Independent Film Channel website.