During the months of May -August, 2002 we are redesigning our website.
Please pardon the dust during this transition.
Dear Visitors,
Welcome to Next Wave Films online. We have tried to design a site that reflects Next Wave and the alternative universe of filmmaking in which we work.
Next Wave Films was established to support emerging filmmakers. While we can only furnish financing to a limited number of filmmakers, we provide information to many independent filmmakers through phone calls, e-mail, articles, and public presentations. The website gives us a great opportunity to make useful information available to filmmakers around the world. The site is designed to make as much practical information easily accesible as possible.
Information is power. For many independent filmmakers information is more important than money. The FILMMAKER MAGAZINE articles on this site helped catalyze the ultra-low budget feature movement. The new model of production they presented empowered many independents to make features.
Today information about DV production is catalyzing a new digital feature movement. We hope the content of our site will help free filmmakers from the belief that they must have the permission, approval, or resources of 3rd parties to make their films.
Our site will evolve as ultra-low budget filmmaking does. When new tools and techniques come along, we will let you know about them. When new distribution routes open up we will give you a no-nonsense view. And when Next Wave Films launches a new initiative, we will announce it on the site.
The easiest and most efficient way to keep abreast of all these developments is to subscribe to our mailing list. We will send you Bulletins from the Front (our periodic updates on important developments), our digital video resource guide, and the latest on Next Wave Films. Sign up and be among the first to know.
Thanks for visiting our website. We hope you will subscribe to our mailing list and come back often.
Peter Broderick, Tara Veneruso, and Mark Stolaroff
- if you have tips or tricks that you'd like to share, fill out our feedback form.
- sign up to receive Bulletins from the Front, updates on Next Wave Films, and the latest on Digital Video production.