How do I submit a film to Next Wave Films?
Click on "submit" on our navigation bar (above) if you are working on a feature film. Then send us a VHS tape of your film with the Next Wave Films submission form. You can submit your film when it is in a rough cut for our review.
In addition, we can also look at your trailers and demos prior to seeing your rough cut to give us an idea of your project. Due to an overwhelming number of submissions we are unable to respond to filmmakers regarding their trailers and demos - but they do get watched.
What is the turnaround time?
We give individual attention to each film we receive. The time varies depending on the volume of films submitted. We receive hundreds of films a year and therefore we request your patience in the process in order to give each film a full evaluation.
What type of films are you looking for?
Unique films that demonstrate exceptional talent and have a substantial audience.
Do you finance short films?
No, we only provide finishing funds for low budget indie FEATURE films. We do not have the resources to provide directors of short films with finishing funds or advice.
Do you accept documentaries?
Yes, but only if they have strong theatrical and/or television potential.
I shot on video. Will Next Wave Films consider my film?
We consider features that originate on film or video. We are excited by recent breakthroughs in digital production. A number of digital features have been transferred to 35mm film with impressive results.
For information on digital video, visit our Moviemaking Resources section.
If I only have a trailer or demo, can you decide if youll give me money?
To make a decision about our involvement in a film, we must see a full-length cut. However, a trailer or demo can flag a project for us. Due to an overwhelming number of submissions we are unable to respond to filmmakers regarding their trailers and demos - but they do get watched.
How long is a feature film?
At least 70 minutes and usually more than 80 minutes.

Do you provide equipment for shooting?
No. Next Wave Films does not have any equipment in-house. We provide financing for low budget projects. Our website has links to many other resources for DV information, equipment and services.

I need money to begin editing, can I send you my dailies so you can help me finance the initial editing?
No. We need to see a rough cut (over 70 mins) of your project in order to evaluate it for finishing funds. We are unable to use dailies to evaluate your project.
Who in my crew should contact Next Wave Films?
We prefer to discuss the film with the director.
Are you a distributor?
No, Next Wave Films provides finishing funds, support during post-production, and acts as a producers rep helping filmmakers to implement a film festival strategy, and secure distribution. We will also assist a number of these filmmakers to find financing for subsequent features.
Is Next Wave Films a non-profit organization?
Next Wave Films is a company of the Independent Film Channel and a for profit organization. However, we do operate in the spirit of a non profit by providing assistance and information to emerging filmmakers

If Next Wave Films provides finishing funds to my film, do you then own the film?
The filmmaker retains copyright ownership of the film.